In the first quarter of 2011 iPad2 of Apple Company was launched. It is a mini tablet with Wi-Fi and Cellular. It has front and rear facing camera, dual core Apple A5 processor and a battery that lasts up to 10 hours. It is to view and experience the audio, video fun in a modern style. To experience restriction free usage of this device an untethered jailbreak is available by Absinthe. The following instructions need to be followed to undertake this process.
1ST Step
Download the latest version of Absinthe to Jailbreak iPad2.

2ND Step
Extract from the zipped archive.

3RD Step

Make a double click on the extracted file absinthe-win-2.0.exe


A new folder Absinthe win-2.0 would appear with this action.


Open that folder to launch Absinthe.exe.


4TH Step

Now you have to connect your iPad2 with the computer as directed through USB. Prior to it delete your pass codes and VPN settings, if any.


5TH Step

To begin the process click on the Jailbreak button


6TH Step

After going through several steps this process would get complete.

Beginning of Jailbreak


Initial Jailbreak data is being sent


Final Jailbreak Data is being sent


Rebooting would take few moments


Let the process get complete


7TH Step

Jailbreak is done and you are informed about the completion


8TH Step

Cydia would appear on the springboard after few moments


You can repeat the process if it is not done correctly but make sure that you have done the backup before initiating the process.


By Admin

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